
Horses Everywhere Agree  –  “This stuff really works!”

equine bodywork for balance, LLC

Interactive Bodywork

Listening Through Touch

Equine Bodywork for Balance, LLC utilizes several methods to assist the horse in releasing tension in the joints, muscles and myofascia. Horses are great at Compensation, or hiding their pain.  Dawn uses an Interactive approach to Bodywork.  By observing the horse’s reactions to contact, “Listening Through Touch,”   Dawn is able to read and sense the need of the horse.  Some of the techniques used include: Masterson Method, acupressure, myofascial release, Red Light Therapy, deep tissue massage and joint mobilizations.

Team Approach

Equine Bodywork for Balance, LLC truly cares about your horse and their health, and believes a comprehensive Team Approach should be considered.  Dawn cannot diagnosis or treat lameness issue or illnesses, but can add complementary care for your horse through Interactive Bodywork and Interactive Groundwork Routines, but always under the primary care of your Veterinarian

If Dawn is working with your horse and feels that there are other issues that can’t be resolved with Interactive Bodywork or Groundwork Routines, she will be straight forward and suggest that you contact your Veterinarian, Chiropractor or Farrier.  For the care of your horse, bodywork, correct conditioning, balanced nutrition, properly fitted equipment, and regular Veterinary, Dental and Farrier care should be part of your horse’s Wellness Plan.

Length of Sessions

All horses are unique and have individualized needs.  Optimally, Dawn prefers to allow the horse the time that they need to peel off the layers.  As the session progresses, it is not uncommon for the horse to respond to contact and indicate its needs.  Usually the initial session is 1.5 to 2 hours. This includes an Assessment and familiarization with your horse’s History.  Follow-up sessions are generally 1 to 1.5 hours, but still depends on what your horse needs.

At shows, rodeos and clinics, I offer 30 minute to 1 hour sessions that will be tailored to fit your horse and the event.  The goal of these sessions is to relax your horse, improve their range of motion, and have them ready to perform.